My passions in life include my faith in God, my family, American history, and a good road trip.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

A retro gadget

I drive a 1998 Ford Ranger pickup. Going soon on twelve years old. It does have air conditioning, but otherwise nothing fancy. No power windows or door locks. Your basic model.

And, oh, did I mention it's entirely paid for?

A couple months ago I had a date with my oldest granddaughter. We call them nights out with Grandpa. She is twelve years old, and never before in her life had she ever ridden in my pickup. She was intrigued by the handle used to crank the window up or down. She had never seen such a thing. She was used to pushing a button to open or close a car window.

"This is a handy little gadget," she observed, as she cranked the handle to roll the window up. What will they think of next?

1 comment:

Eliza said...

That's hysterical! It reminds me of when Peter saw a VHS tape and was disappointed the movie was "broken", i.e., not a DVD.