My passions in life include my faith in God, my family, American history, and a good road trip.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Change of address

Keith J. Beazer used to live in the house we now live in. He moved four years before we bought the home. And we have lived here going on 32 years.

Periodically, a couple times a year, we still get mail addressed to him at our address. Always from the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Because they've had to do with insurance, I always hand delivered the unopened envelopes to his married daughter who works at the same place I do. I naively assumed that the family at some point would change the address or otherwise put a stop to the letters coming our way.

Another one came today, a postcard notifying Keith of a class action suit for something that occurred in the year 2000. Did I happen to mention that Keith Beazer died something like 20 years ago? Or more?

And his life insurance company doesn't even seem to know about it. Scary.

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