My passions in life include my faith in God, my family, American history, and a good road trip.

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

I'm back, but will the voice be?

Surprise to one and all. I am actually blogging again after a nearly nine-month hiatus.

Chalk it up, if you will, to my being sick with a very nasty cold and being tired of just resting all the time so that I am in some sort of condition to teach Sunday School tomorrow morning (more of that starting in the next paragraph). Or, alternatively, chalk it up to the new MacBook Pro computer that we just got this week as Mom's and my Christmas gift to each other. It's fun still to play around with the new computer.

Mom was called and sustained a month ago to serve as one of four Gospel Doctrine teachers in our ward. Two teachers alternate lessons in the west Relief Society room, and two teachers alternate in the east Relief Society room. We are assigned to the west crowd.

Since the final lesson in the published manual was taught last Sunday, that left the final two weeks of the year with no scheduled lessons. Mom's teaching partner was going to be out of town the final two weeks of the year, so she had the brilliant idea of asking me to teach a special lesson on the Prophet Joseph Smith tomorrow since Sunday, December 23, is the 202nd anniversary of his birth. I happily agreed, but in the meantime got this nasty cold and had laryngitis on Thursday and Friday. Today I have some voice back, and by tomorrow we are hoping to have a lot of voice back. We do believe in miracles, after all.


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