My passions in life include my faith in God, my family, American history, and a good road trip.
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Saturday, May 16, 2009
Ben makes front page of newspaper
Splashed across the front page of this morning's Deseret News [May 16] is a picture of Ben and his mom. It accompanies an article on online schooling.
The picture was taken by Kristin Murphy of the Deseret News. The caption read: "Ben Cleverly, 8, cuts out a drawing of a horse to make a jigsaw puzzle as his mom, Carisa Holden, watches in their Lehi home."
Southeastern Idaho. Spring 2009. Courtesy of my daughter Rachael, who shares my passion for the open road
States yet to visit
Remembering the past
George Santayana (1863–1952) wrote in 1905, more than a century ago: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" (Life of Reason, Or The Phases of Human Progress: Introduction and Reason in Common Sense, 1:284).
An incorrigible mapperist
Miles Harvey wrote, "Shakespeare once used the term mappery to describe the passionate study of a map or chart. I am neither a map scholar nor a map collector, but if there's one thing I should make clear about myself from the start it's that I am an incorrigible mapperist, an ecstatic contemplator of things cartographic" (The Island of Lost Maps: A True Story of Cartographic Crime, xii). By this definition, I too am a mapperist.
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