My passions in life include my faith in God, my family, American history, and a good road trip.

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

"All Aboard"

Utah's new commuter rail system, FrontRunner, currently running from Salt Lake City north to Ogden, officially began today.

This evening Claudia and I, Rachael and her three girls, and Camilla and Sam went to ride the new FrontRunner train. UTA is offering free rides today and next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to welcome the public to the new commuter rail system. We went to the Woods Cross station, hoping to ride the train somewhere north of here, but we ended up taking the one headed south into Salt Lake and rode it to the end of the line and back to the Woods Cross station.

It seemed far better organized than the inaugural rides of Trax when it began operation in the Salt Lake Valley some years ago. For each train that arrived at the Woods Cross station, they would let only 50 riders on at a time. Even with that, the train cars were still very crowded, and I for example had to stand all the way into the Salt Lake station (which is located somewhere around 600 West and 400 South). I had a seat on the return ride, although Claudia Sue and Esther had a bit of a tug-of-war over who would sit in the seat next to me, oblivious to the fact that they both could have comfortably fit there.

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