My passions in life include my faith in God, my family, American history, and a good road trip.

Click here for the scoop on why there is no Interstate 50.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas day

So, here we are on the evening of Christmas Day. In the waning days of 2005 I finally join my eight children (and three of my children-in-law) in starting a blog.

It has been a wonderful, long day, beginning with an early wake-up call (at 6:50 this morning) for all who were staying or visiting at our house to accommodate our four-year-old grandson who had to be to his other grandmother's house by 8:00. Then we went to church at 10:30. In the afternoon all the family (except daughter and family in Texas) gathered again for the delicious feast prepared by Grandma Claudia, the third such meal in as many days.

There is a story behind the name of this blog but that belongs to another day.

1 comment:

RCH said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Dad! :-D