And even though they had accumulated a lot of stuff in the nearly three -and-a-half years they have been married (living first here in Bountiful, then in Farmington, then back in Bountiful, and the past couple months in our renovated basement), Chris and Camilla sold or donated to Deseret Industries a number of pieces of furniture and other items. Their resultant baggage fit, therefore, in the 17-foot U-Haul truck Chris had rented for the long weekend.
We (Chris, Camilla, Sam, and I) took two days driving through northern Utah, across southern Idaho, across eastern Oregon, and through central to western Washington to move them to Everett. We went as far as Nampa on Thursday, March 20, leaving Bountiful around 1:00 in the afternoon after Chris worked all morning at the Great Harvest here in Bountiful. We were traveling in three vehicles: Chris drove the U-Haul truck, Camilla drove their white Jimmy, and I drove their Toyota.
Thursday evening we arrived at Dale and LeAnn's house in Nampa between 6:30 and 7:00. That was late enough for us to miss the worst traffic backup from Boise to Nampa. We went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant in downtown Nampa with Lyle; Gene and his daughter Gena and her year-old baby Shawn; Dale, LeAnn, and Keisha; Jackie, Jolene, and her fiancee Jeff.
Friday morning, March 21, LeAnn kindly fixed us a hot breakfast, and then we were off early to drive the rest of the way to Washington. The freeway over the Blue Mountains in eastern Oregon was snow covered and icy in spots. That slowed us down a little. In Hermiston, just before we crossed the Columbia River from Oregon into Washington, Chris had a flat tire on the U-Haul truck, and we stopped to get that fixed and ate lunch at a nearby Subway sandwich shop. Then we were on our way again. We reached the Seattle area in the late afternoon and were slowed somewhat by the evening commuter traffic, but we reached their apartment complex in Everett around 6:00, about ten hours after we left Nampa.
Chris and Camilla met the apartment manager and signed various papers. The lady that lives across the hall from them is from France, so the manager called her, and she came down and visited with them in French. Chris and Camilla both spoke French on their missions.
The man who has owned the Great Harvest bakery Chris and Camilla are buying brought us dinner from the bakery. (He didn't know I was with them, so he came back a little later with a fourth sandwich, drink, chips, and cookie for me.)
We also went to a couple of stores that evening to buy some initial stuff for the apartment, such as a shower curtain, soap, some bath towels, etc. We also dropped by the bakery, which is only a block or so from the apartment where they will live.
We spent Friday evening and most of Saturday morning unpacking the U-Haul and hauling stuff up to their third floor apartment. Chris called two professional movers to come Saturday morning, March 22, to help move the bigger stuff. The worst piece was a very tall bookcase that had to be taken up flour flights of stairs (because it would not fit in the elevator) and required some partial dismantling at that. The movers were still working on that when Chris and I returned the truck to the U-Haul dealer in Everett.

Saturday evening we went out to eat at a nearby Olive Garden restaurant.
And then Sunday morning, Easter Sunday, during a steady rain, we drove the Jimmy south to the SeaTac airport and parked it for when Chris returns to Washington this coming Friday night. And then, all four of us in the Toyota, started the twelve-hour drive toward home. On the return trip I drove all of the way across Washington and into Oregon, Camilla drove in part of Oregon and Idaho, Chris in part of Idaho, and I the rest of the way home to Utah. The rain turned to snow as we were crossing through the Cascade Mountains, but the roads were just wet, not at all bad. It pretty much quit raining as we got east of the mountains. We stopped just off the freeway near Eden, Idaho, to buy Blimpie sandwiches for a late lunch, having snacked on crackers and other such munchies during the rest of the day-long trip.
Rachael and her three girls were here visiting over the weekend. They were staying in Layton at Michael and Shaua's house but were still here from having eaten Easter dinner when we arrived back at our house in Bountiful about 8:30 Sunday evening. Michael and Shauna's family were just getting ready to leave. Rebecca and Mimi; Talmage and Louise; and Paul, Eliza, and Peter were also here, and we were able to visit with them and eat dessert (angel food cake topped with strawberries and whipped cream).